Gambling scandals are major issues among congressmen and senators since they vote on laws to regulate or prohibit gambling on slot online and other forms of betting activities. In Michigan, the Daily Beast revealed that sometime in 2019, Rep. Matt Hall, the current minority leader of the Michigan House of Representatives, was involved in a gambling scandal. At that time, sports betting was not yet allowed in Michigan, since only New Jersey and other states that followed passed ganbling laws that allow sports betting in their respective state.
Rep. Hall’s gambling history became known after the database of the site where Hall maintained his gambling account was breached. The hackers leaked Hall’s record of gambling activities in Action Network, showing that he placed online sports amounting to $73,000 in a matter of 33 while connected to 5 different sports betting websites.
Technically at that time, Rep. Hall was in violation of the state’s gambling laws since sports betting was allowed only in December of that year. Hall’s betting activities were for real, including a police report that cited Hall for speeding violation because he was trying to catch the sports betting window in a neighboring state that allowed sports betting.
Anyway, Hall’s violation became moot and academic since the state of Michigan came to recognize Sports Betting activities as legal.
Indonesia’s Lack of Oversight in Controlling Corrupt Officials but Strict Crackdown Actions on Gamblers
In Indonesia, numerous lawmakers were involved in dishonest and corrupt activities notwithstanding that they project devotion to the Islamic Laws of their religion. Corruption under Sharia Laws is considered a war against the Muslim Community, making the offense punishable by death or other forms of corporal punishments including living life in isolation.
In contrast, these corrupt lawmakers pretend to uphold their Muslim beliefs and religion by prohibiting their countrymen, including Christians, Buddhists and Hindus from taking part in the form of gambling activities. Former Indonesian president Joko Widodo lost in last February election since many of the corruption activities of his administration was attributed to Widodo’s lack of oversight and control over the government officials in his administration.
Is the New Ministry of Communications Under President Subianto Genuinely Effective?
The Ministry of Communication and Information under the new Subianto Administration is being criticized for spending billions of dollars on Anti Gambling software. Online gambling software developers are taking note that the new Ministry of Communication and Information are spending excessively on an anti gambling software. So far, since 2023, the most that the Ministry’s elite 150-member team has achieved successfully is the take down of 810, 785 digital content; not the digital websites providing the online gambling products and services.
Still, the Ministry takes pride in announcing that the figure is four times greater than the number of content taken down in 2022. In the meantime locals and offshore based gambling platforms continue to increase in numbers. It seems that local Indonesian punters are no longer worried as they were before, just as long as they keep their betting activities with the trustworthy operators of highly reputed gambling platforms.